The virtuosity of the spiking neural networks in biological brains have always been intriguing to people. Truly, a single neuron is easy to understand. However, when putting an astronomical amount of them together and they start to talk to each other, the complexity quickly go beyond control.
To pave the way of gaining more understanding of such networks, this project focuses on the stochastic modeling of the network. The goal is to develop efficient algorithms that can compute the statistical quantities of any given network without performing simulations.
For more complete information, I would recommend this online book. It is a well written material suitable for anyone with a quantitative background interested in computational neuroscience but with basic-to-zero knowledge in neuroscience.
So a neuron looks like this. There are four basic building block:
FUN FACT: The yellow wraps on the axon are Meylin sheath. They are like the rubber layer of copper wires. They also help to increase the speed of transmission of the electrical signals in the axon. Meylin sheaths are formed by one of the glial cells. In this study 1 on Einstein’s brain, it is showed that there are significantly more fraction of such cells in one region of Einstein’s brain than other human brains they tested. This might be a reason for Einstein to be a genius. (But no one is really sure. Maybe without so many glial cells, Einstein would’ve already unified quantum theory and gravitation.)
You may have heard of the Nobel Prize winning model – Hodgkin-Huxley model. But here I will not introduce it. Instead let’s look at a simpler model – the leaky integrate and fire model. This model treats a neuron as just a capacitor who fires whenever it reaches a threshold voltage and leaks over time. Mathematically, the membrane voltage $V_m(t)$ satisfies the ordinary differential equation $$ C_m \frac{\text{d} V_m(t)}{\text{d} t} = -\frac{V_m(t)-V_{\text{rest}}}{R_m}+ I(t) $$ where $V_{\text{rest}}$ is the resting voltage, $I(t)$ is the input current, $C_m$ is the capacitance and $R_m$ is the resistance. This is not enough, an important feature is the resetting of voltage to $V_{\text{reset}}$ when it reaches a threshold value $V_{\text{thres}}$: $$ V_m(t^+) \rightarrow V_{\text{reset}}\,\, \text{ if } \,\, V_m(t^-) = V_{\text{thres}} $$
Before diving into the theory, we really need a way to simulate the spiking neural network so that it can help us to gain insights and verify the theory. There are a lot of highly-developed simulation packages available such as NEURON, Brain, GENESIS, NEST and so on. A comprehensive list can be found in this article 2
Using those packages we can simulate this model in several lines. However, to have a basic understanding of how things work, let’s implement it using TensorFlow. But why not just a ODE solver? There are several reasons
This blog post implemented the SNN using TensorFlow 1.0 and the code is rather complicated due to the conversion of differential equation into computational graph. But with the 2.0 update, everything is just way simpler.
SNN_Single_TensorFlow.ipynb is the jupyter notebook for this section.
Write the differential equation in its finite difference form $$ \Delta V_m(t) = \left[ -\frac{V_m(t)-V_{\text{rest}}}{C_m R_m}+ \frac{1}{C_m} I(t) \right] \Delta t $$ Also don’t forget the firing rule $$ V_m(t^+) \rightarrow V_{\text{reset}}\,\, \text{ if } \,\, V_m(t^-) = V_{\text{thres}} $$
Translate this into python code, is just
import tensorflow as tf
# Spiking Neural Network Module, inherited from tf.Module
class SNN_IaF(tf.Module):
# ... other code omitted ...
# Voltage as tf.Variables
self.V = tf.Variable(self.V_resting, name='V')
# finite difference update step
def finite_diff_update(self, I, dt):
# finiate difference increment dV
dV = (I / self.C_m - (self.V - self.V_resting) / (self.C_m * self.R_m)) * dt
# determine the spike by checking voltage with threshold
will_fire = self.V + dV >= self.V_thres
# update the Voltage variable
self.V.assign(tf.where(will_fire, self.V_reset, self.V + dV))
# return the spike information
return will_fire
Isn’t it easy? This is because the introduce of tf.function in TensorFlow 2.0 that simplifies everything we need to do before to construct the graph.
Then the simulation is just straight-forward Euler’s method:
class SNN_IaF(tf.Module):
# ... other code omitted ...
# simulate a period of time (sim_time) given input current I_t
def Simulate(self, I_t, sim_time, dt=0.01, clear_history=False):
# ... other code omitted ...
# loop of finite difference solver
for step in range(1, total_step + 1):
# time of this step
time = time + dt
# current of this steop
I = I_t(time)
# update voltage
firing = self.finite_diff_update(I, dt)
# ... other code omitted ...
We can simulate a single neuron using the following code. It first defines a periodic square wave function and then feeds it into the model.
n = 1
# periodic square wave input current
def I_input(t):
if t % 300 < 150 and t % 300 > 50:
return 10.
return 0.
single_neuron = SNN_IaF(n,
C_m=1.2, R_m=60.,
V_resting=-65., V_reset=-70., V_thres=35.)
single_neuron.Simulate(I_input, 900, dt=0.5)
Here are the code for making the plots.
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
single_neuron.plot_y_vs_x(0, 'I', 'time')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
single_neuron.plot_y_vs_x(0, 'V', 'time', show_spikes=True)
The spiking events are marked by vertical dashed line.